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Non-Archived Guidelines on Insurance claims of victims of CycloneTauktae andCyclone Yaas 29-05-2021 Guidelines on Insurance claims of victims of Cyclone Tauktae and Cyclone Yaas in the calamity affected areas IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/153/05/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Standards and Benchmarks for the Hospitals in the provider Network, Jul 2021 23-07-2021 Standards and Benchmarks for the Hospitals in the provider Network IRDAI/HLT/REG/MISC/199/07/2021
Non-Archived Withdrawal of Guidelines on Indian owned and controlled, Jul 2021 30-07-2021 Withdrawal of Guidelines on Indian owned and controlled IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC//211/07/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Solvency Margin for Crop Insurance Business 04-08-2021 Solvency Margin for Crop Insurance Business IRDA/ACT/CIR/SLM/217/08/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Guidelines on Insurance Claims of victims of Floods (July 2021) in the cala 06-08-2021 Guidelines on Insurance Claims of victims of Floods (July 2021) in the calamity affected districts of Maharashtra State IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/ 226 /08/2021
Non-Archived Product Structure for Cyber Insurance 08-09-2021 Product Structure for Cyber Insurance IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/242/09/2021
Non-Archived Title Insurance Products 08-09-2021 Title Insurance Products IRDAI/CIR/MISC/243/09/2021
Non-Archived Extension of timelines for sale and renewal of short term Covid specific health insurance policies 12-09-2021 Extension of timelines for sale and renewal of short term Covid specific health insurance policies IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/246/09/2021
Non-Archived Extension of timelines for sale and renewal of short term Covid specific he 13-09-2021 Extension of timelines for sale and renewal of short term Covid specific health insurance policies IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/246/09/2021
Non-Archived (a) Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with physical docume 13-09-2021 (a) Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/247/09/2021
Non-Archived Extension of timelines for (a) Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Disp 14-09-2021 Extension of timelines for (a) Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with Physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form in respect of health insurance policies IRDAI/HLT/REG /CIR/ 248/09/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Extension of timelines for (a) Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dis 17-09-2021 Extension of timelines for (a) Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with Physical Signatures on the proposal forms IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/253/09/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Dividend Criteria for Equity Investment under Approved Investment 28-09-2021 Dividend Criteria for Equity Investment under Approved Investment IRDAI/F&I/CIR/INV/255/09/2021
Non-Archived Public Disclosures by Insurers, Sep 2021 30-09-2021 Public Disclosures by Insurers IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/256/09/2021 +2 more
Non-Archived Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurers 06-10-2021 Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurers IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/262/10/2021
Non-Archived Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurance Intermediaries including entities sponsored by them 29-12-2021 Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurance Intermediaries including entities sponsored by them IRDAI/INT/CIR/MISC/318/12/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Clarification on Guidelines on Standard Professional Indemnity Policy for Insurance Brokers/Corporate Agents/Web Aggregators/IMF 12-01-2022 Clarification on Guidelines on Standard Professional Indemnity Policy for Insurance Brokers/Corporate Agents/Web Aggregators/IMF IRDAI/INT/CIR/MISC/8/1/2022
Non-Archived Holding more than one Certificate of Registration to one group–IRDAI (Registration and Operations of Branch Offices of Foreign Reinsurers other than Lloyd’s) Regulations, 2015 16-02-2022 Holding more than one Certificate of Registration to one group–IRDAI (Registration and Operations of Branch Offices of Foreign Reinsurers other than Lloyd’s) Regulations, 2015 IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/26/2/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Circular on disclosure of Underwriting philosophy of offering health insurance cover toTransgender Persons 07-03-2022 Circular on disclosure of Underwriting philosophy of offering health insurance cover toTransgender Persons IRDAI/HLT/CIR/MISC/046/03/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Dividend Criteria for Equity Investment under Approved Investment 24-03-2022 Dividend Criteria for Equity Investment under Approved Investment IRDAI/F&I/CIR/INV/51/03/2022
Non-Archived Extension of timelines for sale and renewal of short term Covid specific health insurance policies 28-03-2022 Extension of timelines for sale and renewal of short term Covid specific health insurance policies IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/57/03/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Extension of timelines for Dispensing with Physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form in respect of health insurance policies 31-03-2022 Extension of timelines for Dispensing with Physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form in respect of health insurance policies IRDAI/HLT/CIR/REG/061/03/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Extension of facilitation dispensing with physical signatures on the proposal forms 31-03-2022 Extension of facilitation dispensing with physical signatures on the proposal forms IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/059/03/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form 31-03-2022 Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form March,2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Rationalization of certain compliance requirements 27-04-2022 Rationalization of certain compliance requirements IRDA/ACT/CIR/GEN/74/4/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Dispensing of certain non-life insurance returns 28-04-2022 Dispensing of certain non-life insurance returns IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/77/4/2022
Non-Archived Exposure of lnsurers to Financial and lnsurance Activities 29-04-2022 Exposure of lnsurers to Financial and lnsurance Activities IRDAI/F&l/ClR/lNV/81/04/2022
Non-Archived Circular on Actuarial & reinsurance returns – Dispensing with hard copy submission 11-05-2022 Circular on Actuarial & reinsurance returns – Dispensing with hard copy submission IRDA/ACT/CIR/GEN/88/5/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Circular On Pricing of products covering Fire and Allied perils 12-05-2022 Pricing of products covering Fire and Allied perils IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/95/05/2022
Non-Archived Filing of fire insurance products for Dwellings, Micro and Small Businesses 12-05-2022 Filing of fire insurance products for Dwellings, Micro and Small Businesses IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/96/05/2022
Non-Archived Rationalization of compliance requirements for Non life and Reinsurers 12-05-2022 Rationalization of compliance requirements for Non life and Reinsurers IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/99/5/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Discontinuation of monthly Solvency Returns for Non Life insurers and Reinsurers 12-05-2022 Discontinuation of monthly Solvency Returns for Non Life insurers and Reinsurers IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/98/5/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Motor Insurance advertisements issued by General Insurers on (i)extra services of Third Party Service Providers (ii)discounts, saving amounts etc 19-05-2022 Motor Insurance advertisements issued by General Insurers on (i)extra services of Third Party Service Providers (ii)discounts, saving amounts etc IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/100/05/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Circular on Revision of Health Insurance Regulatory Returns 23-05-2022 Circular on Revision of Health Insurance Regulatory Returns IRDAI/HLT/CIR/MISC/102/5/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Modifications in definition of Critical Illnesses prescribed in Guidelines on Standardization in Health Insurance 27-05-2022 Modifications in definition of Critical Illnesses prescribed in Guidelines on Standardization in Health Insurance IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/104/5/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Adhering the timelines of award settlement as per Rule 17(6) of the Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017. 27-05-2022 Adhering the timelines of award settlement as per Rule 17(6) of the Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017. IRDAI/CAD/CIR/MISC/105/5/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Solvency margin for Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana 31-05-2022 Solvency margin for Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana IRDAI/ACT/CIR/SLM/106/5/2022
Non-Archived Product filing procedure 01-06-2022 Product filing procedure IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/107/6/2022
Non-Archived Use and file procedure for all categories of products under health insurance business 01-06-2022 Use and file procedure for all categories of products under health insurance business
Non-Archived Public Disclosures by FRBs/LLoyds India 03-06-2022 Public Disclosures by FRBs/LLoyds India IRDAI/REIN/CIR/MISC/112/6/2022