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Non-Archived Procedures for Implementation of Section 12A of WMD Act, 2005 and 51A of UAPA 21-11-2023 Procedures for Implementation of Section 12A of WMD Act, 2005 and 51A of UAPA IRDAI/IID/CIR/MISC/202/11/2023
Non-Archived Product filing procedure 01-06-2022 Product filing procedure IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/107/6/2022
Non-Archived Product for Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Persons afflicted with HIV/AIDS, and those with Mental Illness 27-02-2023 Product for Persons with Disabilities (PWD), Persons afflicted with HIV/AIDS, and those with Mental Illness IRDAI/HLT/CIR/MISC/58/2/2023
Non-Archived Product Structure for Cyber Insurance 08-09-2021 Product Structure for Cyber Insurance IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/242/09/2021