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Ref. No:IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/172/07/2020 Date:07-07-2020
प्रति /
All Generaland Standalone Health Insurers (except ECGC, AIC)
Re: Guidelines onStandard Individual Health Insurance Product
1. मानकवैयक्तिकस्वास्थ्यबीमा उत्पाद(संदर्भ: आईआरडीएआई/
Attention is drawn toClause 7 of Section C of Guidelines on Standard Individual Health InsuranceProduct (Ref: IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/001/01/2020 dated 01.01.2020) wherein Generaland Health insurers are allowed to offer Sum Insured options ranging fromminimum Rs.1,00,000/- to maximum of Rs.5,00,000/- (in the multiples of50,000/-)for “Arogya Sanjeevani Policy”.
2. जबकिसभी साधारण औरस्वास्थ्यबीमाकर्ताओंद्वाराप्रस्तुत कीजाने वालीमानक पालिसीरु. एक लाख औररु. पाँच लाखके बीच कीराशि के लिएपेश की जानीचाहिए, आम जनताको अधिकसुविधाप्रदान करनेके लिए बीमाकर्ताओंको, इसकेद्वारा यहअनुमति दी जातीहै कि,बीमाकर्ताअपनी जोखिमांकनपालिसी केअन्तर्गत, रु.1,00,000/-
Whereas the standardpolicy is required to be offered by all General and Health insurers for suminsured between Rs.1 lakh and Rs.5 lakhs, to further facilitate the generalpublic, insurers are hereby allowed to offer minimum sum insured less thanRs.1,00,000/- and maximum sum insured greater than Rs.5,00,000/- subject to theunderwriting policy of the Insurers. The Sum insured options shall be offeredin the multiples of Rs. 50,000/-(fifty thousand) only.
3. संशोधितबीमाकृत राशिके स्लैब केलिए प्रीमियमदरों कीतालिकाएँ,
The tables of premiumrates for revised sum assured slabs shall be filed in terms of Clause C (10) of“Guidelines on Filing of Minor Modifications in the approved IndividualInsurance Products offered by General and Stand Alone Health Insurers onCertification Basis” (Ref No: IRDA/HLT/CIR/MISC/151/09/2019 dated 20thSeptember,2019).
4. बीमाकर्ता,उपरोक्तपरिच्छेद (3)में यथाउल्लिखितप्रमाणन आधारपर फाइल करनेके पश्चात् औरप्राधिकरण सेयूआईएनप्राप्त करके
Insurers may launch themodified version of the “Arogya Sanjeevani Policy” after filing the same onCertification Basis as referred to at Para (3) above and on getting the UINfrom the Authority. The use of the name “Arogya Sanjeevani” and the “Use andFile” procedure are permitted only if the standard terms and conditions of“Arogya Sanjeevani’ product are followed.
5. यहतुरंत प्रभावसे लागू होगा।
This will come intoforce with immediate effect.
6.इसकोसक्षमप्राधिकारीकी मंजूरीप्राप्त है।
This has approval ofthe competent Authority.