Document Detail
संदर्भसं.: आईआरडीए
Ref.No: IRDA/F&A/CIR/MISC/126/05/2021
सभीबीमाकर्ता औरपुनर्बीमाकर्ता(एफआरबी सहित)
All Insurers and Reinsurers (including FRBs)
Sub: Extension oftime limit for filing of returns to the Authority and uploading the PublicDisclosures on websites of insurers
बीमाकर्ताओंसे,प्राधिकरणद्वारा जारीअनुदेशों केअनुसरण स्वरूपविभिन्नविनियामकविवरणियाँभेजना और अपनेवेबसाइटों परसार्वजनिकप्रकटन अपलोडकरनाअपेक्षित है।
The insurers are required tofurnish various regulatory returns and upload the Public Disclosures on theirwebsite pursuant the instructions issued by the Authority.
In view of the partial lockdown andthe restrictions imposed by the various states to contain the spread of theCOVID 19 pandemic, it has been decided that the time limit for furnishing allmonthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual returns for the period ending on31.03.2021 is extended by a period of 30 days. Further thetime limit for ensuring compliance with the directions regarding PublicDisclosures on websites by insurers, for the period ended on 31.03.2021, isalso extended by a period of 30 days. The insurers may availthe additional time and ensure compliance with the requirements of allregulatory filing and uploading of the public disclosures.
3. सभीबीमाकर्ता
All insurers shall continue to filethe solvency position with the Authority on monthly basis within 15 days fromthe end of the respective month.
(डॉ. ममतासूरी /
मुख्यमहाप्रबंधक(एफ & ए) /