Document Detail
Ref. No: IRDAI/NL/ORD/MISC/260/10/2020
Re: Working Group toStudy Cyber Liability Insurance
कोविड-19महामारी केबीच, साइबरआक्रमणों कीघटनाओं औरउच्चप्रोफाइलडेटाउल्लंघनों कीसंख्या बढतीजा रही है।साइबरआक्रमणोंद्वारा उत्पन्नविभिन्नजोखिमों सेनिपटने हेतुआज सभीक्षेत्रों केलिए साइबरसुरक्षा कीसर्वाधिकजरूरत महसूसकी जा रही है।
Amid the COVID 19pandemic, there are rising incidences of cyberattacks and a growing numberof high-profile data breaches. It is felt that cybersecurity is themost important need for all sectors today to address the numerous risks posed bycyber-attacks.
2 चूँकिकार्यालयों
Since the online exposures offices,business organizations and other establishments face continue to increase evenas they become more globally networked and complex, insurance products need toadapt to the changing environment. The General Liability policies do notcover cyber risks and cyber insurance policies currently available are highlycustomized for clients in a new and quickly growing market. Hence, it is felt thata basic standard product structure is required to provide insurance cover forindividuals and establishments to manage their cyber risks.
3. मानकसाइबरदायित्व बीमाउत्पाद कीआवश्यकता कीजाँच- पड़तालकरने के लिएनिम्नलिखितकार्यकारीसमूह का गठनकरने कानिर्णय कियागया है।
To examine the need for standardCyber Liability Insurance product, it has been decided to constitute thefollowing Working Group.
i. श्रीपी. उमेश,परामर्शदाता-दायित्वबीमा, अध्यक्ष
iii. श्रीमतीगिशा जॉर्ज,प्रमुख-दायित्वअंडर राइटिंग,बजाज एलायंजजनरलइंश्योरेन्सकं. लिमि., सदस्य
Smt. Gisha George, Head - LiabilityUnderwriting, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co Ltd, Member
Shri. Balaji Cuddapah,President – Commercial SBU, Liberty General Insurance Ltd, Member
v. श्रीपराग गुप्ता,प्रमुखअंडरराइटिंगअधिकारी,स्कोर एसई
Shri. Ayush Jain,Underwriter, Gen Re, Member
Shri.A.R. Nithiyanantham, Chief General Manager, IT Department, IRDAI, Member
ix. श्रीदिलीप डी.डांगे, ओएसडी(उ
Shri. Dilip D.Dange, OSD(DGM), Non-Life Department, IRDAI, Member-Convener
4. कार्यकारीसमूह केविचारार्थविषय निम्न प्रकारहैं।
The Terms of Reference of the Working Group are asfollows.
a) To study various statutory provisionson Information and Cyber Security.
b) To evaluate critical issues involvinglegal aspects of transactions in cyber space.
c) To examine various types ofincidents involving cyber security in the recent past and possible insurancecoverage strategies for those.
d) To examine the cyber liabilityinsurance covers available in Indian market and in other developedjurisdictions.
e) To recommend the scope ofthe cyber liability insurance covers for the present context and for the mediumterm.
f) To explore possibility ofdeveloping standard coverages, exclusions and optional extensions for variouscategories.
5. कार्यकारीसमूह ऑन लाइनसाधन केमाध्यम से अपनीबैठकें करसकता है औरअपनीअनुशंसाएँ इसआदेश की तिथिसे दो महीनेके भीतरप्रस्तुत करसकता है।