Document Detail
Ref. No:IRDA/NL/LPM/ExpDraft/137/2020-21 दिनांक /
Exposure draft
सभी हितधारकोंको / TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS
Re: Loss Prevention and Minimization in the GeneralInsurance Industry
1. साधारणबीमा उद्योगमें प्रभावीहानि रोकथामऔर न्यूनीकरणके लिएविभिन्नहितधारकों के बीचशामिलसहक्रियाशीलताऔर सहयोग कीआवश्यकता कोध्यान मेंरखते हुए,प्राधिकरण नेवर्तमानपरिदृश्य काअध्ययन करनेऔर अनुशंसाएँकरने के लिएएक कार्यकारी
Keeping in view synergies involvedand the need for collaboration between various stakeholders for effective lossprevention and minimization in the general insurance industry, the Authorityhad set up a Working Group to study the current scenario and makerecommendations.
2. हमअब कार्यकारी
We now place the report of the Working Group and seek the valuableinputs of all stakeholders on the recommendations made in the report. Pleasegive your feedback in the attached format on or before 4th September,2020 to the following e-mail ids:
मुख्यमहाप्रबंधक(गैर-जीवन) /