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संदर्भ सं.
Ref. No:IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/156/06/2020 Date:23-06-2020
सभीबीमाकर्ता(ईसीजीसी,एआईसी कोछोड़कर) / All Insurers (Except ECGC, AIC)
विषयःकोविड-19बीमारी के लिएकवरेजदेनेवाली अल्पावधिस्वास्थ्यबीमापालिसियाँप्रारंभ करनेसंबंधीदिशानिर्देश
Sub: Guidelines on introduction of short term healthinsurance policies providing coverage for COVID-19 disease
1. आईआरडीएआईपरिपत्रसंदर्भआईआरडीएआई
Reference is drawn to IRDAI circular vide ref.IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/054/03/2020 dated 04th March, 2020 advising the general andhealth insurers to design need based products covering costs of treatment ofcorona virus (COVID-19) disease.
2. वर्तमानकोविड-19महामारी कीस्थिति मेंजनसाधारण के विभिन्नवर्गों कोबीमा संरक्षणउपलब्ध करानेके उद्देश्यके साथ यहविचार कियागया है कि कोविड-19बीमारी के लिएविशिष्टकवरेज उपलब्ध करानेवालीअल्पावधिस्वास्थ्यबीमा पालिसियाँसमय की माँगहैं। तदनुसार,सभी बीमाकर्ताओं(जीवन, साधारणऔर स्वास्थ्यबीमाकर्ताओं)को इनदिशानिर्देशोंके अधीनकोविड-19 विशिष्टअल्पावधिस्वास्थ्यबीमापालिसियाँप्रस्तावितकरने कीअनुमति दीजाती है।
With an objective of making available insurance protectionto various sections of people in the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, it isconsidered that short term health insurance policies providing coveragesspecific to COVID-19 disease is the need of the hour. Accordingly, all insurers(Life, General and Health Insurers) are allowed to offer COVID – 19 specificshort term health insurance policies subject to these guidelines.
3. इनदिशानिर्देशोंके प्रयोजन केलिए अल्पावधिस्वास्थ्यबीमा पालिसीसे ऐसी कोई भीस्वास्थ्यबीमा पालिसीसंविदाअभिप्रेत हैजो 12 महीने सेकम पालिसीअवधि के लिएजारी की गईहै।
Short term health policy forthe purpose of these guidelines means any health insurance policy contractwhich has been issued for a policy term of less than 12 months.
4. आईआरडीएआई(स्वास्थ्यबीमा) विनियम, 2016के विनियम 3(ख),3(ग) और 3(घ) केउपबंधों के होतेहुए भी, जीवन,साधारण औरस्वास्थ्यबीमाकर्ताओंकोनिम्नलिखितशर्तों केअधीन कोविड-19 बीमारीके लिएविशिष्टकवरेजदेनेवालीआवश्यकता-आधारित,अल्पावधिस्वास्थ्यबीमा पालिसियाँअभिकल्पितकरने के लिएअनुमति दीजाती है।
Notwithstandingthe provisions of regulation 3 (b), 3(c) and 3(d) of IRDAI (Health Insurance)Regulations, 2016, the life, the general and health insurers are permitted todevise need based, short term health insurance policies providing coveragesspecific to COVID-19 disease, subject to the following conditions.
Shortterm health insurance policies are permitted to be devised offering health insurancecover specific to only COVID-19.
Short term policies may beissued for a minimum term of three months to a maximum term of eleven months.In between three months and eleven months, the policy term shall be inmultiples of completed months.
Apolicy term less than three months is not permitted.
Wherethe term of policy is fixed as 12 months, the same is not considered as shortterm health policy.
Optionalcovers that enhance the health insurance coverage are permitted to be offeredfor the same policy duration.
Noseparate add-ons are permitted.
Insurersare advised to devise inclusive short term health insurance products. Wherewaiting periods are part of the product, such waiting period shall not exceedfifteen days.
Inlight of the provisions of Regulation 3 (b) of IRDAI (Health Insurance)Regulations, 2016 life insurers are permitted to offer only benefit based shortterm health insurance policies.
Generaland Health Insurers are permitted to offer both indemnity based and benefitbased short term health insurance policies.
Lifelongrenewability, migration and portability stipulated under Regulation 13 and 17of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 respectively are not applicableto the short term health policies offered by general and health insurers.
Insurersshall ensure that short term health insurance products comply with the norms onpricing stipulated in IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 and Guidelineson Product Filing in Health Insurance Business (Ref:IRDA/HLT/REG/CIR/150/07/2016) dated 29th July, 2016.
Shortterm health insurance products shall be filed as per Chapter III (File and UseProcedure) of Guidelines on Product Filing in Health Insurance Business (Ref:IRDA/HLT/REG/CIR/150/07/2016) dated 29th July, 2016 and shall be launched onlyafter prior approval of the Authority.
5.जब तक समयका विस्तारनहीं कियाजाता, तब तक येदिशानिर्देशअल्पावधिपालिसियों केनिर्गम के लिए31 मार्च 2021 तकविधिमान्यरहेंगे।
6. येदिशानिर्देशबीमा अधिनियम,1938 की धारा 34(1) मेंनिहितशक्तियों केअधीन जारीकिये जातेहैं।
These guidelines are issued under the powersvested in Section 34 (1) of Insurance Act, 1938.
7. इसेसक्षमप्राधिकारीका अनुमोदनप्राप्त है।
(डी वी एसरमेश / D V S Ramesh)