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Title: सभी बीमा दलालों के लिए
Reference No.: आईआरडीए/बीआरके/एमआईएससी/सीआईआर/018/01/2016
Date: 01/02/2016
लाइसेंस के नवीकरण के लिए ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण
We are pleased to inform you that Insurance Institute of India (III) has developed the Brokers’ Training Module and has communicated their readiness to start online training for renewal of licence for brokers from 1st February, 2016. The prospective candidates may make use of this opportunity for renewal training online which can be accessed through the following link.
Under this pattern, there will be mandatory training for 25 hours online and after completion of the training the candidates will have to appear for a self-assessment test which will also be online. It may be noted that the test is only to assess the candidates understanding of concepts and there is no mandatory requirement of clearing/passing the same. The first test is scheduled for 10th February, 2016 and thereafter a person can take the test at anytime on completion of his renewal training.  III will be charging Rs.3500/-+ service tax per candidate for conduct of this training and test.  
Further, all insurance brokers are informed that effective from 1st February, 2016 onwards the Authority would recognize only online training conducted through III, for both fresh and renewal training as required under the IRDA(Insurance Brokers) Regulations, 2013 and no other training acquired from any other institution will be recognized for this purpose. The approval/authorization given by the Authority for conduct of class room training to other institutions is hereby withdrawn.
(Nilesh Sathe)
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