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Non-Archived Formats for publishing financial results as required under the SEBI 30-01-2017 Formats for publishing financial results as required under the SEBI (Listing Regulations, 2015) - Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR - Regulations, 2015) IRDA/F&A/CIR/LFTD/027/01/2017 +2 more
Non-Archived Fraudulent messages / unsolicited commercial messages 24-03-2021 Fraudulent messages / unsolicited commercial messages IRDA/IT/CIR/MISC/063/03/2021
Non-Archived Global Pandemic Covid19 related Instructions to Life Insurers 04-04-2020 Global Pandemic Covid19 related Instructions to Life Insurers IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/078/04/2020
Non-Archived Grant of approval for online training 04-12-2017 Grant of approval for online training IRDAI/ BRK/ MISC/ CIR/260/ 11/ 2017
Non-Archived Group Credit Life Schemes – Modifications to align the coverage with the mo 10-07-2020 Group Credit Life Schemes – Modifications to align the coverage with the moratorium announced by Reserve Bank of India IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/187 /07/2020
Non-Archived Guidance note - Board policy of the insurer on the commission structure 31-03-2023 Guidance note - Board policy of the insurer on the commission structure IRDAI/INT/CIR/MISC/82/3/2023
Non-Archived Guidance on Insurance Claims arising in North East Delhi Caused by riots 05-03-2020 Guidance on Insurance Claims arising in North East Delhi Caused by riots IRDAI/NL/Cir/MISC/ 058 /03/2020 +1 more
Non-Archived Guidelines for all General Insurance Companies for submission of Reports 02-12-2020 Guidelines for all General Insurance Companies for submission of Reports IRDA/SUR/GDL/MISC/289/12/2020