Exposure Drafts

Exposure Drafts

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Non-Archived Exposure Draft EoM Regulations, 2023 14-11-2023 Exposure Draft EoM Regulations, 2023 446.1/8/EoM-PA/F&A-Life/2023-24 +3 more
Non-Archived Customer Information Sheet/Know Your Policy 30-08-2023 Customer Information Sheet/Know Your Policy IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/194/07/2020 +1 more
Non-Archived Exposure Draft - Commission regulations draft 23-11-2022 Exposure Draft - Commission regulations draft IRDAI/INT/ED/REG/11/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Exposure Draft- IRDAI(Insurance Intermediaries) (Amendment) Reg, 2022 03-08-2022 Exposure Draft- IRDAI(Insurance Intermediaries) (Amendment) Reg, 2022 IRDAI/INT/ED/REG/166/8/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Exposure Draft -Other Forms of Capital 02-08-2022 Exposure Draft -Other Forms of Capital
Non-Archived Draft Guidelines on Filing of Minor Modifications in the approved Individua 28-03-2019 Draft Guidelines on Filing of Minor Modifications in the approved Individual Insurance Products offered by General and Stand Alone Health Insurers on Certification Basis
Non-Archived Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm) Regulat 03-12-2018 Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm) Regulations, 2018
Non-Archived Draft IRDA(Insurance Marketing firm) Regulations 2014 02-04-2014 Draft IRDA(Insurance Marketing firm) Regulations 2014 --