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Non-Archived Automatic Allotment of Unique Identification Number for Use and File 31-07-2018 Automatic Allotment of Unique Identification Number for Use and File Products/Add-on covers through BAP IRDA/NL/GDL/F&U/115/07/2018
Non-Archived Unclaimed Amount of Policyholders 11-07-2018 Unclaimed Amount of Policyholders IRDA/F&A/CIR/MISC/105/07/2018
Non-Archived Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts., Jul 2018 06-07-2018 Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts. IRDA/SUR/CIR/MISC/103/07/2018
Non-Archived PUC Certificate at the time of renewal of insurance of vehicle – Directions 06-07-2018 PUC Certificate at the time of renewal of insurance of vehicle – Directions given by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in WP(C) No.13029 of 1985 in the matter of M.C.Mehta Vs.Union of India IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/104/07/2018
Non-Archived Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts. 06-07-2018 Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts. IRDA/INT/CIR/IMF/102/07/2018
Non-Archived Clarifications on Annual licence fee 27-06-2018 Clarifications on Annual licence fee IRDAI/BRK/MISC/CIR/098/06/2018
Non-Archived Electronic Transaction Administration and Settlement System (ETASS)—Co-insu 27-06-2018 Electronic Transaction Administration and Settlement System (ETASS)—Co-insurance Module IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/101/06/2018
Non-Archived List of products approved to be marketed through Point of Sales Persons. 19-06-2018 List of products approved to be marketed through Point of Sales Persons. IRDAI/INT/CIR/PSP/93/06/2018 +2 more