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Non-Archived Implementing RFQ platform for Investments in Corporate Bonds / Commercial P, Sep 2020 25-09-2020 Implementing RFQ platform for Investments in Corporate Bonds / Commercial Papers IRDAI/F&I/CIR/INV/246/09/2020
Non-Archived Inclusion of Farmer Producer Company (FPC) in the list of Micro Insurance A 27-04-2017 Inclusion of Farmer Producer Company (FPC) in the list of Micro Insurance Agent IRDA/LIFE/CIR/MIN/ 095/04/2017
Non-Archived Inclusion of Indemnity based Health Insurance Product through PoS – Genera 25-10-2017 Inclusion of Indemnity based Health Insurance Product through PoS – General Insurers and Standalone Health Insurers IRDA/INT/CIR/PSP/239/2017
Non-Archived Industrial All Risks (IAR) Policy 10-02-2016 Industrial All Risks (IAR) Policy IRDA/NL/CIR/F&U/025/2016