Exposure Drafts

Exposure Drafts

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Non-Archived Exposure Draft on Guidelines for Independent assessment of Statutory Actuar 13-10-2017 Exposure Draft on Guidelines for Independent assessment of Statutory Actuarial Valuation- Extension of last date for comments IRDAI/ACTL/MISC/IASAV/10/2017
Non-Archived Exposure Draft on “Guidelines for Independent Assessment of Statutory 25-09-2017 Exposure Draft on “Guidelines for Independent Assessment of Statutory Actuarial Valuation” IRDAI/ACTL/MISC/IASAV/09/2017
Non-Archived Corrigendum 14-02-2017 Corrigendum IRDA/ACTL/REGN&GDL/2016-17
Non-Archived Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2017 13-02-2017 Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2017 IRDA/ACTL/REGN/2016-17