Document Detail

Title: Exposure draft
Reference No.: --
Date: 28/12/2020
Guidelines on Standard Travel Insurance Policy

In order to make available a standard travel insurance product with common coverage and policy wordings across the industry, an exposure draft on Guidelines on Standard travel insurance policy along with Standard terms & conditions (Annexure -1), Customer Information Sheet (Annexure- 2) and Use and File format (Annexure-3) is issued and attached herewith.

All the stakeholders are requested to forward their comments/suggestions on the exposure draft by 6th January, 2021 in the attached format.


Stakeholders are also requested to suggest a suitable name for the product. The person whose suggested name is selected will be issued a certificate of appreciation by Chairman, IRDAI.


The comments along with the suggested name may be mailed to



Executive Director (Health)

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    Guidelines on Standard Travel Insurance

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