Document Detail

Title: To all the General Insurers (except ECGC & Stand-alone-Health Insurers)
Reference No.: IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/230/10//2017
Date: 10/10/2017
Submission of Crop Insurance Data

This has reference to the Authority’s letter ref No IRDAI/NL/Anl/Crop Ins./2/2016-17 dt 09.02.2017.

Keeping in view the importance of Crop Insurance and related Schemes introduced by the Government, the existing data formats have been revised so as to meet the emerging analytical requirements.

The revised data formats are as under:

Form-A: Crop Insurance Premium and Claims paid/outstanding as at the end of Financial year______ (Annual Submission)

Form-B: PMFBY-Business Statistics (Consolidated-Loanee and Non Loanee) up to the Quarter ending on__________(Kharif)

Form-C: RWBCIS-Business Statistics (Consolidated-Loanee and Non Loanee) up to the Quarter ending on__________(Kharif)

Form-D:  PMFBY   - Business Statistics (Non Loanee farmers) up to the Quarter ending on_______(Kharif)

Form-E: RWBCIS - Business Statistics (Non Loanee farmers) up to the Quarter ending on_______(Kharif)

Form-F: PMFBY - Business Statistics (Consolidated-Loanee and Non Loanee) up to the Quarter ending on________(Rabi)

Form-G: RWBCIS - Business Statistics (Consolidated-Loanee and Non Loanee) up to the Quarter ending on________(Rabi)

Form-H: PMFBY - Business Statistics (Non Loanee farmers) up to the Quarter ending on___(Rabi)

Form-I: RWBCIS - Business Statistics (Non Loanee farmers) up to the Quarter ending on____(Rabi)

Form-J: Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme-Quarterly Business Statistics up to the quarter ending_____

Form-K: Unified Package Insurance Scheme-Quarterly Business Statistics up to the quarter ending_____

Form-L: Outstanding Subsidy up to the Quarter ending ________

In this connection, General Insurers (except ECGC & Stand-alone-health Insurers) are advised to submit the data to the Authority, in the above mentioned formats within 30 days of completion of each quarter end of June, September, December and March/ Financial Year as applicable.

Further, Insurers are advised to furnish data w.e.f 01.04.2016 and thereafter as applicable in the above mentioned formats. The data is to be submitted in respect of each season commencing 01.04.2016 until all outstanding claims are disposed of.

The soft copies of the revised formats (Form A-L) are hosted on the website of IRDAI.



(Yegnapriya Bharath)

 Chief General Manager 
 Non-Life department
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