Document Detail

Title: To all the Insurers
Reference No.: IRDAI/Life/MISC/CIR/130/06/2016
Date: 30/06/2016
Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors Formats for submission

Reference is invited to the Regulation 5.3 of the IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015 which stipulates that “every insurer shall furnish an annual certificate by the Chief Executive Officer or the Principal Officer within ninety days from the end of the Financial Year submitting the actual business details of the obligations fulfilled towards these Regulations.”


2.        The Authority now specifies the formats for submission of Annual Certificates to be furnished by the Life Insurers, General and Health Insurers as required under the said Regulations.  The Attached ‘RSO Form A’ is applicable for Life Insurers and ‘RSO Form B’ is applicable for General and Health Insurers.  All the Insurers are required to submit the Annual Certificates only in the specified formats.


3.        The required RSO Form A/RSO Form B has to be submitted by the Insurer to the respective Departments (Life, General and Health) of the Authority.


4.        This Circular is issued by exercising the powers vested under Regulation 7 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.


5.        This has the approval of Chairperson of the Authority.


(V. Jayanth Kumar)

Joint Director (Life)

Encls: RSO Form A, RSO Form B

RSO Form - A  (For Life Insurers)


Annual Certificate for the Financial Year (FY) __________ in terms of Regulation 5.3 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015


Name of the Life Insurer              :

Year of operation @                      : 

Age of the Insurer in years          :

Table No.1 - Rural Sector

Policies written in the FY for which figures are reported

Number of policies covered under rural sector

Rural sector policies as % to column (1)

Required % as per the above Regulations

Compliance with the above Regulations













Table No.2 - Social Sector

Total business * in the preceding Financial Year

Number of lives covered under Social Sector in the FY for which figures are reported

Social sector lives as % to the column (1)

Required % as per the above Regulations

Compliance with the above Regulations












    (* Total business as defined in the Note to Regulation 3.1 (B) of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.

     @ If it is first year of operation, refer proviso to Regulation 3 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.)


This is to certify that the Insurer has written the percentage of policies referred under ‘Table No.1 – Rural Sector’ above towards rural sector obligations as specified in Regulation 3.1 (A) of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.  It is also certified that the Insurer has covered the lives referred under ‘Table No.2 – Social Sector’ above towards Social Sector obligations as specified in Regulation 3.1 (B) of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.


I confirm that business reported towards rural sector complies with the definition specified under Regulation 2.3 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015 and is in compliance /non-compliance (strike-out whichever is not applicable) with fulfilling obligations towards rural sector.


I also confirm that business reported towards social sector complies with the definitions specified under Regulations 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015 and is in compliance/non-compliance (strike-out whichever is not applicable) with fulfilling obligations towards social sector.


Date:                                                                                          Chief Executive Officer/Principal Officer

Place:                                                                                                                         Name of the Insurer

                                                                                                                                             Company Seal


RSO Form - B  (For General/Health Insurers)


Annual Certificate for the Financial Year (FY) __________ in terms of Regulation 5.3 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015


Name of the General/Health Insurer     :

Year of operation @                                      : 

Age of the Insurer in years                          :


Table No.1 - Rural Sector

Gross premium for  the FY for which figures are reported

Amount of premium procured in Rural Sector

Rural sector premium as % to column (1)

Required % as per the above Regulations

Compliance with the above Regulations













Table No.2 - Social Sector

Total business * in the preceding Financial Year

Number of lives covered under Social Sector in the FY for which figures are reported

Social sector lives as % to the column (1)

Required % as per the above Regulations

Compliance with the above Regulations












     ( * Total business as defined in the Note to Regulation 3.1 (B) of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.

        @  If it is first year of operation, refer proviso to Regulation 3 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.)


This is to certify that the Insurer has written the percentage of gross premium referred under ‘Table No.1 – Rural Sector’ above towards rural sector obligations as specified in Regulation 3.1 (A) of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.  It is also certified that the Insurer has covered the lives referred under ‘Table No.2 – Social Sector’ above towards Social Sector obligations as specified in Regulation 3.1 (B) of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015.


I confirm that business reported towards rural sector complies with the definition specified under Regulation 2.3 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015 and is in compliance /non-compliance (strike-out whichever is not applicable) with fulfilling obligations towards rural sector.


I also confirm that business reported towards social sector complies with the definitions specified under Regulations 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 of IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations, 2015 and is in compliance/non-compliance (strike-out whichever is not applicable) with fulfilling obligations towards social sector.


Date:                                                                                          Chief Executive Officer/Principal Officer

Place:                                                                                                                         Name of the Insurer

Company Seal



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