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Non-Archived Advance Discharge Voucher 13-07-2016 Advance Discharge Voucher IRDA/LIFE/CIR/MISC /134/07/2016
Non-Archived Removal of cap on maximum credit hours per day pertaining to training req 14-06-2016 Removal of cap on maximum credit hours per day pertaining to training requirements for Principal Officer and Insurance Sales Person(s) of Insurance Marketing Firms. IRDA/INT/CIR/IMF/119/06/2016
Non-Archived Discharge Voucher issue 08-06-2016 Discharge Voucher issue IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/113/06/2016
Non-Archived Allowance of up to 5% limit on Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW), May 2016 13-05-2016 Allowance of up to 5% limit on Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) IRDAI/NL/CIRC/MISC/095/05/2016
Non-Archived Placement of Reinsurance on global basis along with foreign parent /subsidi 27-04-2016 Placement of Reinsurance on global basis along with foreign parent /subsidiaries/ group companies IRDA/NL/CIR/RIN/078/04/2016
Non-Archived Non-Compliance of Award of Insurance OMBUDSMAN. 01-04-2016 Non-Compliance of Award of Insurance OMBUDSMAN. IRDAI/CAD/CIR/MISC/063/03/2016
Non-Archived Circular as per the provisions of IRDAI (TPA – Health Services) 28-03-2016 Circular as per the provisions of IRDAI (Third Party Administrators – Health Services) Regulations, 2016 IRDA/TPA/REG/CIR/059/03/2016 +1 more
Non-Archived Clarifications on IRDAI (Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm) 02-03-2016 Clarifications on IRDAI (Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm) Regulations, 2015 IRDA/TPA/ORD/MISC/040/03/2016
Non-Archived Industrial All Risks (IAR) Policy 10-02-2016 Industrial All Risks (IAR) Policy IRDA/NL/CIR/F&U/025/2016
Non-Archived Online Training for Renewal of Licence 01-02-2016 Online Training for Renewal of Licence IRDA/BRK/MISC/CIR/018/01/2016
Non-Archived Issues pertaining to opening of offices in IFSC, GIFT City, Gujarat. 28-01-2016 Issues pertaining to opening of offices in IFSC, GIFT City, Gujarat. IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/019/01/2016
Non-Archived Approach in case of non-compliance of IRDAs (lnsurance Broker) Reguations, 18-01-2016 Approach in case of non-compliance of IRDAs (lnsurance Broker) Reguations, 2015 IRDA/INT/MISC/ORD/014/01/2016
Non-Archived Online system for registration / renewal of broking licenses 01-01-2016 Online system for registration / renewal of broking licenses IRDA/INT/2016 +1 more
Non-Archived Guidelines on Insurance Claims for losses due to Flood in the state of Tami 07-12-2015 Guidelines on Insurance Claims for losses due to Flood in the state of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and neighbouring districts of Andhra Pradesh IRDA/NL/RI/MISC/15-16/37
Non-Archived Issues pertaining to issuance of Electronic Motor Policies 06-11-2015 Issues pertaining to issuance of Electronic Motor Policies IRDA/INT/CIRC/INSRE/197/11/2015
Non-Archived Non Compliance of award of Insurance Ombudsman or Order of MACT or Consumer 03-11-2015 Non compliance of award of Insurance Ombudsman or Order of MACT or Consumer Fora. IRDA/CAD/CIR/MISC/194/11/2105
Non-Archived Master Circular on Anti Money Laundering/Counter- Financing of Terrorism 29-09-2015 Master Circular on Anti Money Laundering/Counter- Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)-Guidelines for Life Insurers IRDAI/SDD/GDL/CIR/175/09/2015
Non-Archived Clarification on the name of Insurance Marketing Firm 21-09-2015 Clarification on the name of Insurance Marketing Firm IRDA/INT/IMF/CIR/ORD/171/09/2015
Non-Archived Obtaining Annuity Options from the Policy holders 04-08-2015 Obtaining Annuity Options from the Policy holders IRDA/LIFE/CIR/MISC/140/8/2015
Non-Archived Handling of the unclaimed amounts pertaining to the policyholders., Jul 2015 27-07-2015 Handling of the unclaimed amounts pertaining to the policyholders. IRDA/F&I/CIR/CPM/134/07/2015