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Non-Archived Payment of reward under MISP on stand-alone Motor Third Party Insurance 04-09-2018 Payment of reward under MISP on stand-alone Motor Third Party Insurance IRDA/INT/CIR/MISP/142/09/2018
Non-Archived Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts. 06-07-2018 Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts. IRDA/INT/CIR/IMF/102/07/2018
Non-Archived Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts., Aug 2018 13-08-2018 Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts. IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/127/08/2018
Non-Archived Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts., Jul 2018 06-07-2018 Payments to IRDAI Bank Accounts. IRDA/SUR/CIR/MISC/103/07/2018
Non-Archived Placement of Reinsurance on global basis along with foreign parent /subsidi 27-04-2016 Placement of Reinsurance on global basis along with foreign parent /subsidiaries/ group companies IRDA/NL/CIR/RIN/078/04/2016
Non-Archived Point of Salespersons (PoSP) Distribution of Add-ons Maintenance of rec 06-06-2017 Point of Salespersons (PoSP) - Distribution of Add-ons – maintenance of records – submission of Returns IRDAI/INT/CIR/PSP/130/06/2017
Non-Archived Pre-Issuance Verification Call (PIVC) 12-05-2020 Pre-Issuance Verification Call (PIVC) IRDAI/LIFE/CIR/MISC/116/05/2020
Non-Archived Premium payment for renewal of Health Insurance policies falling due during 02-04-2020 Premium payment for renewal of Health Insurance policies falling due during the lockdown period (25th March, 2020 to 14th April, 2020) as a result of COVID 19 situation IRDAI/HLT/CIR/MISC/078/04/2020 +1 more