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Non-Archived Cross Border Reinsurers granted approval under Regulation 4 of IRDA (Re-ins 04-04-2019 To All CEOs/CMDs of all Insurance/ Reinsurance companies & Foreign Reinsurance Branches IRDA/Rl/ClR/MISC/058/04/2019
Non-Archived Cross Border Reinsurers granted approval under guideline no. 6 of the 18-04-2017 Cross Border Reinsurers granted approval under guideline no. 6 of the Guidelines on Cross Border Reinsurers IRDA/NL/CIR/RIN/080/04/2017
Non-Archived Cross Border Reinsurers (CBRs) granted approval under guideline no. 6 of 09-05-2018 Cross Border Reinsurers (CBRs) granted approval under guideline no. 6 of the Guidelines on CBRs ref. IRDAI/NL/GDL/RIN/017/01/2016 IRDA/RI/CIR/MISC/068/05/2018
Non-Archived Credit Rating – Applicable for Infrastructure Investments 05-01-2021 Credit Rating – Applicable for Infrastructure Investments IRDAI/F&I/CIR/INV/008/01/2021
Non-Archived Covid-19 related instructions 30-03-2020 Covid-19 related instructions IRDAI/INSP/CIR/MISC/077/03/2020 +1 more
Non-Archived Covid-19 Global pandemic related instructions to Life Insurers 23-03-2020 Covid-19 Global pandemic related instructions to Life Insurers IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/072/03/2020
Non-Archived COVID 19 - Rescheduling of Term loans 07-07-2020 The CEOs of all Insurers IRDA/Fl/CIR/INV/181/07/2020
Non-Archived Cover for Motor Own Damage risks for Cars and Two-wheelers 21-06-2019 Cover for Motor Own Damage risks for Cars and Two-wheelers IRDAI/NL/CIR/MOTOD/095/06/2019