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Non-Archived Filing of Health Insurance Products through BAP F & U Health Insurance Modu 26-05-2015 Filing of Health Insurance Products through BAP F & U Health Insurance Module- reg. IRDA/HEALTH/GEN/BAPHEALTH/2/2015-16
Non-Archived Filing of Health Insurance Advertisements by Life Insurers 27-12-2016 Filing of Health Insurance Advertisements by Life Insurers IRDAI/LIFE/CIR/ADV/255/12/2016
Non-Archived Filing of Half-Yearly PoSP Returns in IIB Portal 30-12-2020 Filing of Half-Yearly PoSP Returns in IIB Portal IRDA/INT/CIR/PSP/307/2020
Non-Archived Filing of fire insurance products for Dwellings, Micro and Small Businesses 12-05-2022 Filing of fire insurance products for Dwellings, Micro and Small Businesses IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/96/05/2022
Non-Archived Filing of appropriate data in the Business Analytics Project module (BAP 24-07-2017 Filing of appropriate data in the Business Analytics Project module (BAP module). IRDA/BRK/MISC/CIR/172/07/2017
Non-Archived Filing of applications for Renewal of Surveyor License 15-09-2018 Filing of applications for Renewal of Surveyor License IRDA/SUR/CIR/MISC/153/09/2018 +1 more
Non-Archived File & Use procedure for minor modifications under existing products and ri 07-03-2017 File & Use procedure for minor modifications under existing products and riders offered by Life Insurers IRDA/ACT/CIR/MISC/054/03/2017
Non-Archived Facilitation by the Insurers for Cashless services at network hospitals 22-04-2021 Facilitation by the Insurers for Cashless services at network hospitals IRDAI/HLT/MISC/CIR/ 99 /04/2021