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Non-Archived Amounts lying under the Unclaimed Account as at 31.03.2018 for the purpose 03-08-2018 Amounts lying under the Unclaimed Account as at 31.03.2018 for the purpose of purchasing immediate annuity IRDA/ACT/CIR/MISC/120/08/2018
Non-Archived Applicability of Regulations/Guidelines/Circulars to registered reinsurance 07-01-2019 Applicability of Regulations/Guidelines/Circulars to registered reinsurance entities. IRDA/RI/CIR/MISC/004/01/2019
Non-Archived Applicability of Service Tax / GST on services provided by IRDAI to Insurance intermediaries 11-08-2022 Applicability of Service Tax / GST on services provided by IRDAI to Insurance intermediaries IRDAI/GA&HR/CIR/MISC/172/8/2022
Non-Archived Appointment of Common/Nominee Director(s) on the board of insurance company 30-08-2018 Appointment of Common/Nominee Director(s) on the board of insurance company IRDA/F&A/CIR/MISC/141/08/2018
Non-Archived Appointment of Surveyors and Loss Assessors 15-07-2015 Appointment of Surveyors and Loss Assessors IRDA/NL/Cir/Misc/129/07/2015
Non-Archived Appointment or Continuation of Common Director(s) u/s 48A of Insurance Act, 1938 02-09-2022 Appointment or Continuation of Common Director(s) u/s 48A of Insurance Act, 1938 IRDAI/F&I/CIR/MISC/183/9/2022
Non-Archived Approach in case of non-compliance of IRDAs (lnsurance Broker) Reguations, 18-01-2016 Approach in case of non-compliance of IRDAs (lnsurance Broker) Reguations, 2015 IRDA/INT/MISC/ORD/014/01/2016
Non-Archived Approach on the un-reconciled, unsettled outstanding reinsurance balances 08-03-2017 Approach on the un-reconciled, unsettled outstanding reinsurance balances as on 31st March, 2014 IRDA/BRK/MISC/CIR/050/03/2017 +1 more