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Non-Archived Guidelines on settlement of Life Insurance Claims to the victims of Cyclone, May 2021 28-05-2021 To Chairman/CEOs of Life Insurers IRDA/LIFE/GDL/MISC/151/05/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Guidelines on settlement of Life Insurance Claims to the victims of Heavy r 04-11-2020 To Chairman/CEOs of Life Insurers IRDA/LIFE/GDL/MISC/265/11/2020
Non-Archived Guidelines on settlement of Life Insurance Claims to the victims of recent, Aug 2019 15-08-2019 Guidelines on settlement of Life Insurance Claims to the victims of recent Floods in many states IRDA/LIFE/GDL/MISC/136/08/2019
Non-Archived Guidelines on Standard Individual Health Insurance product 24-01-2020 Guidelines on Standard Individual Health Insurance product IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/ 031/01/2020