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Non-Archived Directions of High Court of Delhi at New Delhi on Exclusions related to Gen 19-03-2018 Directions of High Court of Delhi at New Delhi on Exclusions related to Genetic Disorders IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/046/03/2018
Non-Archived Discharge Voucher in settlement of claim 24-09-2015 Discharge Voucher in settlement of claim IRDA/NL/CIR/Misc/173/09/2015
Non-Archived Discharge Voucher issue 08-06-2016 Discharge Voucher issue IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/113/06/2016
Non-Archived Disclosure of benefit/premium illustration for Health insurance policies is 28-12-2020 Disclosure of benefit/premium illustration for Health insurance policies issued on floater basis IRDAI / HLT/ REG / CIR / 298 / 12 / 2020