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Non-Archived COVID 19 - Rescheduling of Term loans 07-07-2020 The CEOs of all Insurers IRDA/Fl/CIR/INV/181/07/2020
Non-Archived Panel of Actuaries-Expression of Interest 07-07-2020 Panel of Actuaries-Expression of Interest IRDA/ACT/CIR/MISC/180/07/2020
Non-Archived Group Credit Life Schemes – Modifications to align the coverage with the mo 10-07-2020 Group Credit Life Schemes – Modifications to align the coverage with the moratorium announced by Reserve Bank of India IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/187 /07/2020
Non-Archived Provision of cashless facility to the policyholders 14-07-2020 Provision of cashless facility to the policyholders IRDAI/HLT/MISC/CIR/189/07/2020