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Non-Archived Details of Equity Holding Pattern of Insurance Companies 27-09-2018 Details of Equity Holding Pattern of Insurance Companies IRDA/F&A/CIR/EHP/162/09/2018
Non-Archived Moving towards ‘Risk Based Supervision’ of the Insurance Sector 04-10-2018 Moving towards ‘Risk Based Supervision’ of the Insurance Sector IRDA/INSP/CIR/RBSF/166/10/2018
Non-Archived IRDAI circular on HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act 2017 09-10-2018 IRDAI circular on HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act 2017 IRDA/HLT/MISC/CIR/169/10/2018
Non-Archived Compulsory PA Insurance for Owner-Driver under Motor insurance 09-10-2018 Compulsory PA Insurance for Owner-Driver under Motor insurance IRDAI/NL/CIR/MOTP/170/10/2018