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Non-Archived Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurance Intermediaries including entities sponsored by them 29-12-2021 Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurance Intermediaries including entities sponsored by them IRDAI/INT/CIR/MISC/318/12/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurers 06-10-2021 Maintenance of Current Accounts in multiple banks by Insurers IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/262/10/2021
Non-Archived Maintenance of records under IRDAI (Minimum Information Required for Investigation and Inspection) Regulations 2020 09-12-2020 Maintenance of records under IRDAI (Minimum Information Required for Investigation and Inspection) Regulations 2020 IRDAI/INSP/CIR/293/12/2020
Non-Archived Manner of receipt of premium 12-05-2020 Manner of receipt of premium IRDAI/LIFE/CIR/MISC/115/05/2020