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Non-Archived Kerala Floods – Life Insurance Claims settlement, Aug 2018 17-08-2018 Guidelines on settlement of Insurance Claims of victims of recent Floods in the state of Kerala IRDA/LIFE/Kerala Floods/2018-19
Non-Archived Guidelines on settlement of Insurance Claims of victims of recent Floods in 20-08-2018 Guidelines on settlement of Insurance Claims of victims of recent Floods in the state of Kerala- Extension of the circular provisions to flood affected districts of Karnataka IRDA/LIFE/Karnataka Floods/2018-19
Non-Archived Guidelines on settlement of Life Insurance Claims to the victims of recent, Aug 2019 15-08-2019 Guidelines on settlement of Life Insurance Claims to the victims of recent Floods in many states IRDA/LIFE/GDL/MISC/136/08/2019
Non-Archived Guidelines on Standard Individual Health Insurance Product, Jul 2020 07-07-2020 Guidelines on Standard Individual Health Insurance Product IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/172/07/2020