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Non-Archived Circular on (a) Benefit illustration and (b) other market conduct aspects 26-09-2019 Circular on (a) Benefit illustration and (b) other market conduct aspects IRDAI/LIFE/MISC/CIR/173/09/2019
Non-Archived Circular on Actuarial & reinsurance returns – Dispensing with hard copy submission 11-05-2022 Circular on Actuarial & reinsurance returns – Dispensing with hard copy submission IRDA/ACT/CIR/GEN/88/5/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Circular on Amendment to TCI guidelines-Reverse factoring 09-10-2023 Circular on Amendment to TCI guidelines-Reverse factoring IRDAI/ NL/CIR/GDL/176/10/ 2023
Non-Archived Circular Appointed Actuary regulation 10-01-2023 Circular on Appointed Actuary regulation IRDAI/ACTL/CIR/MISC/4/1/2023 +1 more