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Non-Archived Guidelines on settlement of Insurance Claims of victims of recent Cyclones 28-12-2018 To Chairman/CEOs of Life Insurers. IRDA/LIFE/Andhra Pradesh &Tamilnadu Floods/2018-19
Non-Archived Capital Gearing Treaties 28-03-2020 To CMDs/CEOs- All General Insurers, Health Insurers and Specialized Insurers IRDA/F&A/CIR/MISC/076/03/2020
Non-Archived Settlement of Claims under Group Insurance Policies 08-04-2015 To the CEOs of all the Life Insurers IRDA/Life/2014/129
Non-Archived To All the CEOs of Branch Offices of foreign reinsurers other than Lloyds 21-06-2017 To: All the CEOs of Branch Offices of foreign reinsurers other than Lloyds IRDA/ACT/CIR/MISC/147/06/2017