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Non-Archived Withdrawal of exemption from GST on services provided by IRDAI to Insurers 11-08-2022 Withdrawal of exemption from GST on services provided by IRDAI to Insurers IRDAI/GA&HR/CIR/MISC/171/8/2022
Non-Archived Migration of BAP to new hardware and the latest software 09-08-2022 Migration of BAP to new hardware and the latest software IRDAI/GA&HR/CIR/MISC/167/8/2022
Non-Archived Circular on Reporting of Cyber Security Incident 13-06-2023 Circular on Reporting of Cyber Security Incident IRDAI/GA&HR/CIR/MISC/128/06/2023 +1 more
Non-Archived Exposure of lnsurers to Financial and lnsurance Activities 29-04-2022 Exposure of lnsurers to Financial and lnsurance Activities IRDAI/F&l/ClR/lNV/81/04/2022