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Non-Archived Clarification on Regulation 6(d)(ii), 6(e)(ii) and 5(f) of the IRDAIs 30-03-2017 Clarification on Regulation 6(d)(ii), 6(e)(ii) and 5(f) of the IRDAIs (Payment of commission, remuneration or reward to insurance agent or insurance intermediaries) Regulations, 2016 IRDA/ INT/ CIR/ COMM/ 069/ 03/ 2017
Non-Archived Roadmap for creating a database to be housed in IIB 12-07-2017 Roadmap for creating a database to be housed in IIB IRDA/ INT/ CIR/ CDB/ 160/ 07/2017
Non-Archived Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) in insurance sector 01-03-2016 Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) in insurance sector IRDA/ F&A/ CIR/IFRS/038/03/2016
Non-Archived Clarifications on Guidelines on insurance e-commerce and electronic issuanc 07-09-2017 Clarifications on Guidelines on insurance e-commerce and electronic issuance of insurance policies IRDA/ BRK/ CIR/ INSRE/ 211/ 09/ 2017