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Non-Archived Implementation of Ind AS in the Insurance Sector., Jan 2020 21-01-2020 Implementation of Ind AS in the Insurance Sector. IRDAI/F&A/CIR/ACTS/023/01/2020
Non-Archived Financial Statements and other related returns for the FY 2014-15 07-04-2015 Financial Statements and other related returns for the FY 2014-15 IRDAI/F&A/CIR/FA/059/03/2015
Non-Archived Withdrawal of Guidelines on Indian owned and controlled, Jul 2021 30-07-2021 Withdrawal of Guidelines on Indian owned and controlled IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC//211/07/2021 +1 more
Non-Archived Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code 05-06-2020 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/134/06/2020