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Non-Archived Submission of Returns for Non Life (Reinsurance) through Business Analytics, Oct 2016 24-10-2016 Submission of Returns for Non Life (Reinsurance) through Business Analytics Project (BAP) IRDA/NL/CIR/RIN/202/10/2016
Non-Archived Motor Third Party Premium rates for e-carts (A3/A4), e-rickshaws (C1(b)) 04-11-2015 Motor Third Party Premium rates for e-carts (A3/A4), e-rickshaws (C1(b)) and Passenger premium for Motorised two wheeler Carrying Passengers for Hire or Reward(C4) IRDA/NL/CIRI/MOTP/196/11/2015 +1 more
Non-Archived Appointment of Surveyors and Loss Assessors 15-07-2015 Appointment of Surveyors and Loss Assessors IRDA/NL/Cir/Misc/129/07/2015
Non-Archived Classification of Products 03-05-2017 Classification of Products IRDA/NL/GDL/F&U/109/05/2017