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Non-Archived Submission of returns for F&A Life through the Business Analytics Project 04-09-2015 Submission of returns for F&A Life through the Business Analytics Project (BAP) Module IRDA/F&A/CIR/GLD/161/09/2015
Non-Archived Clarification on the name of Insurance Marketing Firm 21-09-2015 Clarification on the name of Insurance Marketing Firm IRDA/INT/IMF/CIR/ORD/171/09/2015
Non-Archived Discharge Voucher in settlement of claim 24-09-2015 Discharge Voucher in settlement of claim IRDA/NL/CIR/Misc/173/09/2015
Non-Archived Master Circular on Anti Money Laundering/Counter- Financing of Terrorism 29-09-2015 Master Circular on Anti Money Laundering/Counter- Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)-Guidelines for Life Insurers IRDAI/SDD/GDL/CIR/175/09/2015