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Non-Archived Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form 31-03-2022 Issuance of Electronic Policies and (b) Dispensing with physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form March,2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Issuance of Electronic Policies, Mar 2021 23-03-2021 Issuance of Electronic Policies IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/056/03/2021
Non-Archived Issues pertaining to issuance of Electronic Motor Policies 06-11-2015 Issues pertaining to issuance of Electronic Motor Policies IRDA/INT/CIRC/INSRE/197/11/2015
Non-Archived Issues pertaining to opening of offices in IFSC, GIFT City, Gujarat. 28-01-2016 Issues pertaining to opening of offices in IFSC, GIFT City, Gujarat. IRDA/NL/CIR/MISC/019/01/2016
Non-Archived Kerala Floods – Life Insurance Claims settlement, Aug 2018 17-08-2018 Guidelines on settlement of Insurance Claims of victims of recent Floods in the state of Kerala IRDA/LIFE/Kerala Floods/2018-19
Non-Archived Launching of self-deactivation facility over IIB’ s ENVOY portal 06-06-2022 Launching of self-deactivation facility over IIB’ s ENVOY portal IRDAI/INT/MISC/CIR/113/6/2022 +1 more
Non-Archived Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code 05-06-2020 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code IRDAI/F&A/CIR/MISC/134/06/2020
Non-Archived Letter from Chairman, IRDAI 08-05-2021 Letter from Chairman, IRDAI -- +1 more