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Non-Archived Cross Border Reinsurers granted approval under Regulation 4 of IRDA (Re-ins 04-04-2019 To All CEOs/CMDs of all Insurance/ Reinsurance companies & Foreign Reinsurance Branches IRDA/Rl/ClR/MISC/058/04/2019
Non-Archived To All CEOs of Life, General &Stand-Alone Health lnsurers and All POS of I 25-09-2018 To All CEOs of Life, General &Stand-Alone Health lnsurers and All POS of Insurance Intermediaries IRDAI/INT/CIR/PSP/159 /09/2018
Non-Archived Title Insurance Products 08-09-2021 Title Insurance Products IRDAI/CIR/MISC/243/09/2021
Non-Archived Timelines for submission of Life operational returns in BAP 29-06-2020 Timelines for submission of Life operational returns in BAP IRDAI/Life/Cir/Misc/165/06/2020