Seminar on Present Scenario (Life & General) - Policy Holder

Seminar on Present Scenario (Life & General)
A seminar on ‘Present scenario of Life & General Insurance and allied Characters and Grievance Redressal Mechanism’ was conducted by M/s Rajkot Saher Jilla Grahak Suraksha Mandal on 24th February, 2012 at Rajkot.
The seminar was inaugurated by Dr Rajendrakumar, Collector, Rajkot and the seminar was chaired by Mr Janakbhai Kotak, Mayor, Rajkot Municipal Corporation. In his inaugural speech, Dr Rajendra Kumar asserted that the insurance is a form of management which is used primarily to hedge against the risk, contingent, uncertain loss and Shri Janakbhai Kotak stated that the insurance papers like proposal forms, policy documents, claim form etc. covering terms and conditions should be printed in bi-lingual style i.e. vernacular language other than in English. Mr Kishorbhai Popat, Director, JJ Tutorials, Rajkot, stated about the channels provided by IRDA to resolve complaints and Mr Chagabhai Gadia, LIC Consultant, mentioned that Insurance Ombudsman is an independent office to provide speedy and effective resolution of grievances to the consumers. The President of ‘Cow and Horse Breeders Association of Grujarat’, Acharya Girilaji discussed at length about Livestock insurance, especially cow and horse insurance. Mr TV Rao, Deputy Director,IRDA and Mr V Saikumar, DD, IIB attended the seminar as speakers and gave presentations on ‘Grievance Redressal Mechanisms available to policyholders’ and ‘Need for expansion of Micro Insurance’ respectively.
A series of speakers highlighted instances of rejection of claims on flimsy grounds. The material related to consumer education provided by the IRDA was also distributed among the participants.
The seminar was attended by around 150 persons from different walks of life including consumer activists, doctors, academicians, insurance professionals, policyholders/claimants, students etc.
Mr Sureshbhai Patel, LIC Consultant presented a synopsis of the event while passing a vote of thanks to dignitaries and participant
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