How To Make a Claim - Motor - Policy Holder

How To Make a Claim - Motor
Formalities for a motor insurance claim
A claim under a motor insurance policy could be
1 For personal injury or property damage related to someone else. This person is called a third party in this context) or
2 For damage to your own, insured, vehicle. This is called an own damage claim and you are eligible for this if you are holding what is known as a package or a comprehensive policy.
Third Party Claim
In a third party claim, where your vehicle is involved, it is important to ensure that the accident is reported immediately to the police as well as to the insurance company.
On the other hand, if you are a victim, that is, if somebody else’s vehicle was involved, you must obtain the insurance details of that vehicle and make an intimation to the insurer of that vehicle.
Own Damage Claim
In the event of an own damage claim, that is, where your own vehicle is damaged due to an accident, you must immediately inform insurance company and police, wherever required, to enable them to depute a surveyor to assess the loss.
Do not attempt to move the vehicle from the accident spot without the permission of police and the insurance company.
Once you receive permission for removal of the vehicle and for repairs, you can do so.
If your policy provides for cashless service, which means you do not have to pay out of your pocket for covered damages, the insurance company will pay the workshop directly.
In either of these situations, you must intimate the insurance company immediately.
Theft Claim
If your vehicle is stolen, you must inform the police and the insurance company immediately. In addition you must keep the transport department also informed.
As soon as you receive the policy document, read about the procedures and documentation requirements for claims rather than wait for a claim to arise.
If you have to make a claim, ensure that you collect all the required documents and submit them along with the requisite claim form duly filled in, to the insurance company.
There may be certain specific documentation requirements for specific types of claims. For instance in respect of a theft claim, there is a special requirement that you should surrender the vehicle keys to the insurance company.