Indian Insurance Market - Policy Holder

Indian Insurance Market
Indian Insurance in the Global Scenario
1 In life insurance business, India is ranked tenth in the world. India's share in global life insurance market was 2.73 per cent during 2019. Compared to the previous year, the life insurance premium in India increased by 9.63 per cent whereas global life insurance premium increased by 1.18 per cent.
2 In non-life insurance business, India is ranked 15 in the world. India's share in global non-life insurance market was 0.79 per cent during 2019. Compared to the previous year, the non-life insurance premium in India increased by 7.98 per cent whereas global non-life insurance premium increased by 3.35 per cent.
3 Globally, the share of life insurance business in total premium was 46.34 per cent and the share of non-life insurance premium was 53.66 per cent during 2019. However, the share of life insurance business for India was high at 74.94 per cent while the share of non-life insurance business was at 25.06 percent.
Insurance Penetration and Density
1 Insurance penetration and density are two metrics, among others, often used to assess the level of development of the insurance sector in a country. While insurance penetration is measured as the percentage of insurance premiums to GDP, insurance density is calculated as the ratio of premiums to population (per capita premium).
2 Insurance penetration which was 2.71 percent in 2001 has steadily increased to 3.76 percent in 2019 (Life 2.82 percent and Non-Life 0.94 percent). Insurance penetration in some of the emerging economies in Asia, i.e., Malaysia, Thailand and China during the same year were 4.72, 4.99 and 4.30 percent respectively. The insurance density in India which was USD 11.5 in 2001, reached to USD 78 in 2019 (Life- USD 58 and Non-Life - USD 20). The comparative figures for Malaysia, Thailand and China during the same period were USD 536, USD 389 and USD 430 respectively. Globally insurance penetration and density were 3.35 percent and USD 379 for the life segment and 3.88 percent and USD 439 for the non-life segment respectively in 2019.
(Source: SwissRe Sigma various issues)
Insurance Premium
1 During the fiscal 2019-20, the gross direct premium of Non-Life insurers was ₹1,88,916 crores as against ₹1,69,448 crores, in the previous financial year 2018-19 registering a growth of 11.49 percent. Motor and health segments primarily helped the industry to report this growth.
During the fiscal 2019-20, Life insurance industry recorded a premium income of ₹5,72,910 as against ₹5,08,132 crores in the previous financial year, registering a growth of 12.75 percent. While renewal premium accounted for 54.75 percent of the total premium received by the life insurers, new business contributed the remaining 45.25 percent.