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Non-Archived Committee on Domestic Systemically Important Insurance (D-SIIs) 23-01-2019 Committee on Domestic Systemically Important Insurance (D-SIIs) IRDA/F&A/ORD/MISC/017/01/2019
Non-Archived In the matter of M/s E-Meditek Health Insurance TPA Limited - Cancellation 11-01-2019 In the matter of M/s E-Meditek Health Insurance TPA Limited - Cancellation of Certificate of Registration IRDAI/HLT/MISC/ORD/007/01/2019
Non-Archived Addendum 2 to Order – Steering Committee for Implementation of Risk Based C 26-12-2018 Addendum 2 to Order – Steering Committee for Implementation of Risk Based Capital Regime for Indian Insurance Industry IRDA/ACT/ORD/ADNDM/208/12/2018
Non-Archived Constitution of Consultant Evaluation Committee for evaluation of Shortlist 26-12-2018 Constitution of Consultant Evaluation Committee for evaluation of Shortlisted Consultants for Implementation of Risk Based Capital Regime for Indian Insurance Industry IRDA/ACT/ORD/MISC/209/12/2018
Non-Archived Constitution of ‘Apex Committee’ 29-11-2018 Constitution of ‘Apex Committee’ IRDAI/CHM/MISC/ORD/194/11/2018
Non-Archived Working Group (WG) to revisit the product structure of Motor Own Damage 16-11-2018 Working Group (WG) to revisit the product structure of Motor Own Damage IRDAI/NL/ORD/MISC/190/11/2018
Non-Archived Order of IRDAI, under sub-section 6 of Section 64UM of Insurance Act, 1938 14-11-2018 Order of IRDAI, under sub-section 6 of Section 64UM of Insurance Act, 1938 IRDAI/NL/ORD/MISC/186/11/2018
Non-Archived Reconstitution of Health Insurance Forum 25-10-2018 Reconstitution of Health Insurance Forum IRDAI/HLT/MISC/ORD/180/10/2018
Non-Archived Working Group to examine the concept of Settlement of Personal Accident 12-10-2018 Constitution of Working Group to examine the concept of Settlement of Personal Accident and Benefit Based Health Insurance Claims in Installments. IRDAI/HLT/ORD/Misc/171/10/2018
Non-Archived Constitution of Committee for Review of Draft IRDAI (Minimum Information fo 09-10-2018 Constitution of Committee for Review of Draft IRDAI (Minimum Information for Inspection or Investigation) Regulations, 2018. IRDAI/INSP/ORD/MIN_INFO_REG/165/10/2018
Non-Archived Committee on Regulatory Sandbox in Insurance space in India 19-09-2018 Committee on Regulatory Sandbox in Insurance space in India IRDA/F&A/ORD/MISC/151/09/2018
Non-Archived Final Order issued under the provisions of Regulation 10(1)(b) of IRDAI (Th 31-08-2018 Final Order issued under the provisions of Regulation 10(1)(b) of IRDAI (Third Party Administrators- Health Services) Regulations, 2016 to be read with Section 42 E of the Insurance Act, 1938 in the m IRDA/TPA/MISC/ORD/140/08/2018 +1 more
Non-Archived Working group for revisiting the Surveyors regulations-Change in Member Con 29-08-2018 Working group for revisiting the Surveyors regulations-Change in Member Convenor IRDA/SURV/MISC/ADD/8/2018
Non-Archived Constitution of Working Group for revisiting the Surveyor Regulations 13-08-2018 Constitution of Working Group for revisiting the Surveyor Regulations IRDAI/SURV/ORD/MISC/121/08/2018
Non-Archived Constitution of working group for standardization of exclusions in Health I 24-07-2018 Constitution of working group for standardization of exclusions in Health Insurance Contracts IRDAI/HLT/ORD/Misc/113/07/2018
Non-Archived Constitution of Committee for Motor TP Pricing for the year 2019-20 20-07-2018 Constitution of Committee for Motor TP Pricing for the year 2019-20 IRDA/NL/ORD/MOTP/112/07/2018
Non-Archived Addendum 1 to Order - Steering Committee for implementation of Risk Based C 18-07-2018 Addendum 1 to Order - Steering Committee for implementation of Risk Based Capital Regime Ref: IRDA/ACT/ORD/MISC/110/07/2018
Non-Archived Constitution of Working Group on Life Insurance Product Regulations 17-07-2018 Constitution of Working Group on Life Insurance Product Regulations IRDAI/ACT/REG/ PRO/ 111/07/2018
Non-Archived Addendum 2 to Office Order - Term Extension of Committee for Grant of Chart 25-06-2018 Addendum 2 to Office Order - Term Extension of Committee for Grant of Charter stataus to IIISLA IRDA/SURV/MISC/ADD/6/2018
Non-Archived Exemption on Limits of Expenses of Management 22-06-2018 Exemption on Limits of Expenses of Management 218/F&A (NL)/GEG/COM/01/2018-19