Warnings and Penalties - Policy Holder
- Free-Look Period
- Insurance Repository System
- Renewability of Health Insurance
- Portability of Health Insurance
- Group Insurance
- Unit Linked Products
- Policyholder Protection Committee
- Distance Marketing
- Rejection of Claims
- Pension Policies
- e-Insurance Policies
- Warnings and Penalties
- Servicing of Life Insurance Orphan Policies
- Modified Guidelines on Advertisements
- Motor Insurance - Partial Loss Claims
- Guidelines on Standardization in Health Insurance
- IRDAI Health Insurance Regulations - 2016
Warnings and Penalties
The Consumer Affairs Department of IRDA monitors consumer grievances from a regulatory perspective and takes them up with the respective insurer for resolution.
If an insurance company commits frequent or serious regulatory violations, including those relating to consumer grievances, IRDA may serve an Advisory Letter, a Warning Letter or even impose a Penalty on it.