Life Insurance Products Terms and Conditions

Life Insurance products - Terms and conditions

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Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life – Group Life Protection 147N008V04 Non ULIP 2017-04-01 01-04-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Group
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life – POS Saral Nivesh 147N038V01 Non ULIP 2017-05-05 05-05-2017 -- -- Savings Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life – Single Pay Endowment Assurance Plan 147N018V03 Non ULIP 2017-07-04 04-07-2017 -- -- Savings Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life – MyLife+ 147N027V02 Non ULIP 2017-07-31 31-07-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life – Smart Lifestyle 147N040V01 Non ULIP 2017-09-09 09-09-2017 -- -- Savings Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life - Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana 147G039V01 Non ULIP 2017-09-26 26-09-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Group
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life - Wealth Plus 147L055V01 ULIP 2017-11-02 02-11-2017 -- -- Savings Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life - Wealth Builder 147N026V03 Non ULIP 2017-12-04 04-12-2017 -- -- Savings Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance Co.Ltd Edelweiss Tokio Life - Group Employee Benefit Plan 147N029V02 Non ULIP 2018-03-28 28-03-2018 -- -- Savings Non-Par Group
Non-Archived 2017-18 Ageas Federal Life Insurance Co.Ltd IDBI Federal Life Insurance Guaranteed Wealth Plan  135N048V01 Non ULIP 2017-04-10 10-04-2017 2018-10-31 31-10-2018 Savings Non Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Ageas Federal Life Insurance Co.Ltd IDBI Federal Life Insurance Group Employee Benefit Plan 135L052V01 ULIP 2017-09-05 05-09-2017 2019-11-23 23-11-2019 Employee Benefit (ULIP) Non Par Group
Non-Archived 2017-18 Ageas Federal Life Insurance Co.Ltd IDBI Federal Wealth Gain Insurance Plan 135L047V02 ULIP 2018-02-05 05-02-2018 2019-11-23 23-11-2019 Savings NonPar Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Ageas Federal Life Insurance Co.Ltd IDBI Federal Wealthsurance Growth Insurance Plan SP 135L034V02 ULIP 2018-02-28 28-02-2018 2019-11-23 23-11-2019 Savings Non Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd.  Aviva i-Life Total 122N114V01 Non-ULIP 2017-06-06 06-06-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd.  Aviva Critical Illness and Disability Rider - Non Linked Rider  122B019V01 Non-ULIP 2017-06-06 06-06-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd.  Aviva Group Term Life  122N115V01 Non-ULIP 2017-07-03 03-07-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Group
Non-Archived 2017-18 Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd.  Aviva Group Credit Life  122N116V01 Non-ULIP 2017-08-30 30-08-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Group
Non-Archived 2017-18 Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd.  Aviva Credit Assure 122N112V02 Non-ULIP 2017-11-08 08-11-2017 -- -- Protection Non-Par Group
Non-Archived 2017-18 Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd.  Aviva Wealth Builder  122N100V03 Non-ULIP 2018-03-27 27-03-2018 -- -- Savings Non-Par Individual
Non-Archived 2017-18 Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd Bajaj Allianz Life Group Annuity 116N059V05 Non-ULIP 2017-04-12 12-04-2017 2018-12-29 29-12-2018 Retirement Non-par Group Annuity