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Non-Archived Implementation of IRDAI (Non-linked Insurance products) Regulations,2019 and IRDAI (Unit Linked Insurance Products) Regulations,2019 27-07-2019 Implementation of IRDAI (Non-linked Insurance products) Regulations,2019 and IRDAI (Unit Linked Insurance Products) Regulations,2019 IRDAI/ACT/CIR/MISC/125/07/2019
Non-Archived Use and File procedure for certain modifications under existing products an 27-07-2019 Use and File procedure for certain modifications under existing products and riders offered by Life Insurers IRDAI/ACT/CIR/MISC/124/07/2019
Non-Archived Extension of timelines to comply with the Guidelines on Standards and Bench 26-07-2019 Extension of timelines to comply with the Guidelines on Standards and Benchmarks for the Hospitals in the Provider Network IRDAI/HLT/GDL/CIR/122/07/2019
Non-Archived Modification of existing format for “Request for Cashless Hospitalization f 27-05-2019 To All Insurers and TPAs IRDA/HLT/REG/CIR/86/05/2019
Non-Archived Preparation of Financial statements for FY 2019-20 and Onwards 20-05-2019 Preparation of Financial statements for FY 2019-20 and Onwards IRDA/F&A/CIR/MISC/081/05/2019
Non-Archived Preparation of Solvency Statement for FY 2019-20 and Onwards 20-05-2019 Preparation of Solvency Statement for FY 2019-20 and Onwards IRDA/F&A/CIR/MISC/082/05/2019
Non-Archived Guidelines on settlement of Insurance Claims of victims of recent Cyclone (, May 2019 07-05-2019 Guidelines on settlement of Insurance Claims of victims of recent Cyclone (Fani) in Odisha and the neighbouring states IRDA/LIFE/Odisha & Neighbouring states/2019-20
Non-Archived Information to the insurance policyholders/claimants about various insurance policy services 10-04-2019 Information to the insurance policyholders/claimants about various insurance policy services IRDAI/CAD/CIR/PPHI/059/04/2019