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Non-Archived Information to the insurance policyholders/claimants about various insurance policy services 10-04-2019 Information to the insurance policyholders/claimants about various insurance policy services IRDAI/CAD/CIR/PPHI/059/04/2019
Non-Archived Designated Nodal Officers for Ombudsman Offices 15-10-2020 Designated Nodal Officers for Ombudsman Offices IRDAI/CAD/Cir/Misc/ 255/10/20
Non-Archived Submission of Quarterly Statements on Mis-selling complaints 21-01-2019 Submission of Quarterly Statements on Mis-selling complaints IRDAI/CAD/ClR/MlSC/001/01/2019
Non-Archived Investment in Units of “Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) &Infrastructur 14-03-2017 Investment in Units of “Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) &Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvIT)” IRDAI/CIR/F&I/INV/056/03/2016-17